Chapter 9 Time Series Analysis of Infectious Disease Data

## Using `DATE` as index variable.
Top left: the time series plot of the daily new deaths in Florida using the autoplot() function. Top right: the time series plot of the daily new deaths in Florida using the ggplot() function. Bottom: the time series plot of the daily new infected and death counts in Florida.Top left: the time series plot of the daily new deaths in Florida using the autoplot() function. Top right: the time series plot of the daily new deaths in Florida using the ggplot() function. Bottom: the time series plot of the daily new infected and death counts in Florida.Top left: the time series plot of the daily new deaths in Florida using the autoplot() function. Top right: the time series plot of the daily new deaths in Florida using the ggplot() function. Bottom: the time series plot of the daily new infected and death counts in Florida.

Figure 9.1: Top left: the time series plot of the daily new deaths in Florida using the autoplot() function. Top right: the time series plot of the daily new deaths in Florida using the ggplot() function. Bottom: the time series plot of the daily new infected and death counts in Florida.

The time series plot of the daily new deaths for each of the midwest states. Top: using the ggplot() function. Bottom: using the autoplot() function.The time series plot of the daily new deaths for each of the midwest states. Top: using the ggplot() function. Bottom: using the autoplot() function.

Figure 9.2: The time series plot of the daily new deaths for each of the midwest states. Top: using the ggplot() function. Bottom: using the autoplot() function.

The time series plot of the daily new deaths for each week.

Figure 9.3: The time series plot of the daily new deaths for each week.

The lag plot of the daily new deaths for Florida.

Figure 9.4: The lag plot of the daily new deaths for Florida.

The ACF plot of the daily new deaths in Florida.

Figure 9.5: The ACF plot of the daily new deaths in Florida.

Time series plot, ACF plot and PACF plot of lag-7 differenced data.

Figure 9.6: Time series plot, ACF plot and PACF plot of lag-7 differenced data.

Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida. Top: the linear regression method. Bottom: the linear regression method with the seasonal component.Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida. Top: the linear regression method. Bottom: the linear regression method with the seasonal component.

Figure 9.7: Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida. Top: the linear regression method. Bottom: the linear regression method with the seasonal component.

To see what the trend-cycle estimate looks like, we plot the above two moving average trends along with the original data in Figure 9.8.

Florida daily new deaths (thin light gray) with the 5-MA (darkgray) and 15-MA (black) smoothing of the trend.

Figure 9.8: Florida daily new deaths (thin light gray) with the 5-MA (darkgray) and 15-MA (black) smoothing of the trend.

Top: two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using the simple exponential smoothing method.Center: two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using the extended exponential smoothing method with trend and seasonality components.Bottom: time series plot of the observed and fitted daily new deaths.

Figure 9.9: Bottom: time series plot of the observed and fitted daily new deaths.

Trend of the daily new deaths time series in Florida.

Figure 9.10: Trend of the daily new deaths time series in Florida.

The trend, seasonality and residuals of the daily new deaths time series in Florida of fitted STL decomposition.

Figure 9.11: The trend, seasonality and residuals of the daily new deaths time series in Florida of fitted STL decomposition.

The trend, seasonality and residuals of the daily new deaths time series in Florida based on trend(window = 15) and season(window = 7).

Figure 9.12: The trend, seasonality and residuals of the daily new deaths time series in Florida based on trend(window = 15) and season(window = 7).

Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida.Top left: average method.Top right: random walk method.Bottom left: seasonal random walk method.

Figure 9.13: Bottom left: seasonal random walk method.

Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using four different methods.

Figure 9.14: Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using four different methods.

Residual plot based on the linear regression method with seasonal components.

Figure 9.15: Residual plot based on the linear regression method with seasonal components.

Time plot, ACF plot and histogram of the residuals based on the linear regression method with seasonal components.

Figure 9.16: Time plot, ACF plot and histogram of the residuals based on the linear regression method with seasonal components.

Time plot, ACF plot and histogram of the residuals based on the extended ETS method with the trend and seasonal components.

Figure 9.17: Time plot, ACF plot and histogram of the residuals based on the extended ETS method with the trend and seasonal components.

Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths in Florida.

Figure 9.18: Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths in Florida.

Time series plots of the death count in Florida.Top left: cumulative death count.Top right: daily new deaths.Bottom left: weekly new deaths. Bottom right: weekly change in daily new deaths.

Figure 9.19: Bottom left: weekly new deaths. Bottom right: weekly change in daily new deaths.

A procedure to build ARIMA models.

Figure 9.20: A procedure to build ARIMA models.

Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using different ARIMA models.

Figure 9.21: Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using different ARIMA models.

Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using ETS and ARIMA models.

Figure 9.22: Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using ETS and ARIMA models.

An illustration of traditional time series validation.

Figure 9.23: An illustration of traditional time series validation.

An illustration of strech rolling cross-validation for time series.

Figure 9.24: An illustration of strech rolling cross-validation for time series.

An illustration of slide rolling cross-validation for time series.

Figure 9.25: An illustration of slide rolling cross-validation for time series.

An illustration of tile rolling cross-validation for time series.

Figure 9.26: An illustration of tile rolling cross-validation for time series.

One week ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using ETS and ARIMA models.

Figure 9.27: One week ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using ETS and ARIMA models.

Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using ETS with/without log transformation.

Figure 9.28: Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using ETS with/without log transformation.

Top: residual plot for the ETS without the log transformation. Bottom: residual plot for the log transformed EST method.Top: residual plot for the ETS without the log transformation. Bottom: residual plot for the log transformed EST method.

Figure 9.29: Top: residual plot for the ETS without the log transformation. Bottom: residual plot for the log transformed EST method.

Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using ETS, constrained to be within [0,300].

Figure 9.30: Two weeks ahead forecast of the daily new deaths for Florida using ETS, constrained to be within [0,300].

Two weeks ahead forecast of the cumulative number of deaths for Florida using ETS.

Figure 9.31: Two weeks ahead forecast of the cumulative number of deaths for Florida using ETS.

Time series plot of the daily new death count for New Jersey.

Figure 9.32: Time series plot of the daily new death count for New Jersey.

Boxplots of the daily new death count for New Jersey.

Figure 9.33: Boxplots of the daily new death count for New Jersey.

A non-seasonal STL decomposition for New Jersey’s daily new infected count.

Figure 9.34: A non-seasonal STL decomposition for New Jersey’s daily new infected count.

A non-seasonal STL decomposition for New Jersey’s daily new death count.

Figure 9.35: A non-seasonal STL decomposition for New Jersey’s daily new death count.

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## zoo
Tidyverse anomalies from the daily new deaths in New Jersey.

Figure 9.36: Tidyverse anomalies from the daily new deaths in New Jersey.